Netflix as Career Guide? The Influence of Legal Series on German Law Students’ Careers

Kinast, Jochen; Gehrau, Volker; Katja, Driesel-Lange

Research article (book contribution) | Peer reviewed

Details about the publication

PublisherKnickrehm, Barbara; Fletemeyer, Tina; Ertelt, Bernd-Joachim
Book title Berufliche Orientierung und Beratung
Page range305-323
Publishing companySpringer VS
Place of publicationWiesbaden
Release year2023
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-40601-1_18
Keywordsmedia effects; series; career development; streaming; Netflix, mass media; communication research

Authors from the University of Münster

Driesel-Lange, Katja
Professorship of Educational Science with Specialisation in Career Orientation (Prof. Driesel-Lange)
Gehrau, Volker
Professorship for communication science with a focus on journalism research (Prof. Springer)
Kinast, Jochen
Institute of Educational Sciences (IfE)