Epistemological and methodical challenges in the research on embedded advertising formats: A constructivist interjection

Borchers N, Woelke J

Research article (journal)


Advertisers’ increasing use of embedded advertising formats makes it more difficult for consumers to identify persuasive intents in advertiser mes-sages. However, only if consumers identify these intents and categorize mes-sages as advertising, can they activate advertising-specific reception strategies which might result in lessened persuasion effects. The fact that consumers reg-ularly miss persuasive intents in non-traditional advertising environments, we suggest in this article, carries epistemological and methodical implications. To better appreciate these implications, we argue for a more systematic adoption of a constructivist approach in advertising research. Some established concepts in advertising research such as the persuasion knowledge model and advertis-ing literacy already implicitly follow a constructivist rationale. However, to more fully exploit the potential of a constructivist approach, we review communication concepts that inform advertising research, clarify why a constructivist approach increases the explanatory power of advertising research, and discuss challenges for research designs.

Details zur Publikation

Release year: 2020
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
Link to the full text: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/commun-2019-0119/html