Plantar pressure measurements in a soccer shoe: Characterization of soccer specific movements and effects after six weeks of aging

Rosenbaum D, Eils E, Streyl M, Linnenbecker S, Thorwesten L, Völker K

Research article in edited proceedings (conference)


The purposes of the study were (i) to characterize in-shoe pressure distribution (PD) measurements during soccer specific movements, (ii) to describe the changes on (PD) after six weeks of aging. 21 experienced male subjects participated in the study. Four different movements (run, cut, sprint and goal shot) were measured on a red cinder surface before and after six weeks of aging. Results showed specific loading characteristics for each movement: Compared to running, the medial part of the foot in cutting, the forefoot in sprinting and the lateral part in kicking were predominantly loaded. Peak pressures increased over 10% after six weeks of use in some high-load areas. Attention should be paid to sprinting and cutting with respect to overuse injuries. Sockliners should be exchanged on a regular basis to maintain a certain amount of cushioning.

Details zur Publikation

Book title: Proceedings of Oral Sessions
Release year: 2001
ISBN: 0-9715218-0-8
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
Event: San Francisco
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