Thorwesten L, Overhaus N, Völker K
Abstract in digital collection (conference) | Peer reviewedINTRODUCTION: Nordic Walking as an established en-durance sports showed a higher cardiovascular load com-pared to normal walking caused by the additional use ofpoles. There is still a lack of knowledge regarding the jointload. A reduction up to 30% based on the use of polesis often described but the evidence is missing. The objec-tive of the given study was to examine the load on lowerlimbs using biomechanical parameters comparing walking[W] and Nordic Walking [NW]. METHOD: Twenty volunteers (informed consent) partici-pated in this experimental cross-sectional study. Verticalground reaction forces where measured during walking andnordic walking using an insole plantar pressure distributionsystem (Fa. GeBiom, Münster Germany) A measuring fre-quency of 200 Hz with a resolution up to 64 sensors (de-pending of insole size) was used. In addition 3 sensors aremounted to the poles during the NW condition. 16 femaleand 4 male well trained Nordic walker (age: 49,7±12,0years; height: 1,69±0,09 m; weight: 70,8±16,1 kg) wheretested in a randomised order on a treadmill (Woodway) atthree given walking speeds (5,5 km/h [A]; 6,5 km/h [B] and7,5 km/h [C]) in W and NW respectively. All data was nor-malized to bodyweight and 100% stance phase and aver-aged for each volunteer. RESULTS: The results showed no significant differencesregarding the maximum vertical GRFz (A=1,66(W) and1,72(NW); B=1,70(W) and 1,71(NW); C:1,73(W) and1,76(NW) of bodyweight) as well as no significant changesin the initial increase of forces. Contact time is longer forNW on each given walking speed (p<0.05). The impulsevalues are higher for the NW condition. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: In opposition to the fre-quently stated reduction of lower limb loading by the useof walking poles, the given results showed no reduction inall measured parameters. These findings are consistentwith recently published studies. Neither studies based onlaboratory conditions, nor field studies showed any signif-icant reduction regarding the joint load. In conclusion allstudies stated similar or exiguous increased values but noreduction of the first peak in ground reaction forces curves.Longer contact time as well as higher impulse values com-pared to the walking condition indicated a more dynamicmovement in NW. This leads finally to a higher cardiovas-cular and metabolic load in contrast to walking. The rec-ommendation of Nordic walking as a rehabilitation train-ing concept for orthopaedic patients should be consideredagain. In consequence of the reduced joint loading com-pared to jogging, Nordic walking can be recommended asan alternative training program for running induced injuriesand disorders. The use of walking pole could also lead toan improved safeness feeling, especially for elderly, as wellas obese persons.
Thorwesten, Lothar | Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences |