[Proprioceptive capacities of the knee joint with and without endoprosthesis]

Fuchs S, Thorwesten L, Niewerth S, Jerosch J

Research article (journal)


PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: To compare the proprioceptive abilities of total knee arthroplasty patients and a control group. METHOD: In a knee arthroplasty patient group of 28 and in 25 healthy volunteers the proprioceptive function was examined. To measure the proprioceptive function the motion analysis system with reflecting markers was chosen. In each patient 16 measurements from different starting points in different joint positions with and without visual controlling were performed. RESULTS: The results demonstrated significant differences between the patients and volunteers independent of the starting point, the joint position and the visual controlling. Also the comparison with the 30 and 60 degree position showed significant differences. In the patient group were not shown significant values comparing the starting position, the visual controlling and the comparison with the healthy leg. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Knee arthroplasty conducts to loss of proprioception in the operated and healthy leg. Visual controlling can not solve these problems. The worst results were achieved in 60 degrees position. The starting position can not influence the results.

Details zur Publikation

Release year: 1997
Language in which the publication is writtenGerman