Spectral characteristics of the coherent dynamics of the order parameter in superconducting nanorods

Kettmann P., Hannibal S., Croitoru M., Vagov A., Axt V., Kuhn T.

Research article (journal)


Within the density-matrix formalism based on the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations approach we investigate the dynamics of the non-equilibrium BCS pairing induced by a sudden change of the coupling constant in quasi-1D and quasi-0D samples. We demonstrate that two different dynamical regimes of the amplitude of the BCS gap can be distinguished: an initially damped oscillation in the case of short quantum wires and purely irregular dynamics in the case of nanorods.

Details zur Publikation

Pages: 4
Release year: 2017
Publishing company: Elsevier B.V.
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
Link to the full text: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85006340409&origin=inward