Attraktiv gleich kompetent?

Halberschmidt B, Keysers C, Dreiskämper D

Research article in edited proceedings (conference) | Peer reviewed

Details about the publication

PublisherWunsch, K, Müller, J, Mothes, H, Schöndube, A, Hartmann, N, Fuchs, R
Book titleStressregulation und Sport
Publishing companyFeldhaus Verlag
Place of publicationHamburg
Title of seriesEdition Czwalina
Volume of series243
Release year2015
Language in which the publication is writtenGerman
Conference47. Jahrestagung der asp, Freiburg, undefined

Authors from the University of Münster

Dreiskämper, Dennis
Professorship for Sport Psychology (Prof. Strauß)
Halberschmidt, Barbara
Professorship for Sport Psychology (Prof. Strauß)