Molecular structure of the H2 O wetting layer on Pt(111)

Standop S, Redinger A, Morgenstern M, Michely T, Busse C

Research article (journal)


The molecular structure of the wetting layer of ice on Pt(111) is resolved using scanning tunneling microscopy. Two structures observed previously by diffraction techniques are imaged for coverages at or close to completion of the wetting layer. At 140 K only a 37--√×37--√R25.3° superstructure can be established while at 130 K also a 39--√×39--√R16.1° superstructure with slightly higher molecular density is formed. In the temperature range under concern the superstructures reversibly transform into each other by slight changes in coverage through adsorption or desorption. The superstructures exhibit a complex pattern of molecules in different geometries.

Details zur Publikation

Release year: 2010
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
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