Chiral switching by spontaneous conformational change in adsorbed organic molecules

Weigelt S, Busse C, Petersen L, Rauls E, Hammer B, Gothelf K, Besenbacher F, Linderoth T

Research article (journal)


A model system in which adsorbed molecules switch between enantiomeric forms as they undergo thermally induced conformational changes was investigated. The ability to switch chirality by performing one or more conformational changes enabled the molecules to accommodate to the chiral template found at the edge of the island and to incorporate themselves into hierarchical domains. The associated kinetic parameters were quantified from time-resolved scanning tunneling microscopy(STM) data and the mechanistic insight was obtained from theoretic modeling. The observed conformational changes were found to have implications for the chiral ordering on the surfaces.

Details zur Publikation

Release year: 2006
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
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