CRC 858 B06 - Biomimetic molecular recognition of carbohydrates (SFB 858)

Basic data for this project

Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted at University of Münster
Duration: 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2017 | 2nd Funding period


Molecular recognition of carbohydrates is a key issue in biology and in medicine. It is also a challenge to the synthetic chemist: Selective receptors for carbohydrates can function as drugs, synthetic antibodies, receptors and sensors. However, nearly all synthetic receptors for carbohydrates fail to function in aqueous media. Proteins on the other hand bind to carbohydrates through multiple hydrogen bonds. This recognition process often takes place at membrane surfaces. Within project B6 we are planning to carry out a parallel combinatorial approach for the recognition of carbohydrates in aqueous media and also at the surface of lipid membranes. Although dynamic combinatorial approaches have been quite successful for the detection of synthetic receptors in general, this methodology has not been exploited for the recognition of carbohydrates so far. We intend to find receptors for carbohydrates, that work efficiently in water as well as at membrane surfaces.

Keywords: molecular recognition; carbohydrates; receptors for carbohydrates; Proteins; lipid membranes; surfaces