CRC 656 B06 - Development of a multimodal high-resolution small animal PET based on multi-wire proportional counters

Basic data for this project

Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted at University of Münster
Duration: 01/07/2009 - 30/06/2013 | 1st Funding period


In this project we aim for improving small animal PET technology based on multi-wire proportional counters (MWPC). We plan to develop prototype MWPC detectors and appropriate converters to advance the spatial resolution and efficiency of existing detectors. Furthermore, we will develop a multimodal quadHIDAC imaging technology in conjunction with small animal CT. As an important goal, we will work on calibration and data correction methods for improving absolute quantitative imaging based on MWPC technology.

Keywords: Verbesserung der Kleintier-PET Bildgebung