Elucidating the ORIGINS of Solar System(s): Anatomy of primitive meteorites (ORIGINS)

Basic data for this project

Type of project: EU-project hosted outside University of Münster
Duration: 24/01/2007 - 07/01/2011


This proposal seeks to better understand the origins of our planetary system, and of exo-planetary systems beyond. Carbonaceous chondrites (CC) and samples from the recently returned Stardust mission are amongst the most primitive materials available to us. The components that constitute these rocks formed in the early solar system, and are the likely building blocks of planets. We will perform orbital studies of CC to identify their source regions within the Solar System, providing us with a spatial context to interpret their composition. We will define the chemistry, mineralogy, geochemistry and isotopic composition of these building blocks. Coupled with experimental work, these studies will clarify the relationship of CC and Stardust constituents to each other, their formation mechanisms, and define the physical and chemical conditions in the pre-terrestrial environment, and the astrophysical environment of the early sun. The picture of our Solar System that will emerge from our study will be used as a touchstone to better understand the formation of the Earth, as well as dusty disks around other stars and the probable abundance and composition of newly discovered exo-planets. These objectives can be achieved thanks to the multidisciplinary team we brought together, to the quality of our instrumentation, and to our ability to tackle both theoretical and analytical problems. The proposed collaboration will generate a European network of young researchers in the field of space and solar system sciences. They will form the core of a technically competent, multi-skilled generation of cosmo-chemists, cosmic-mineralogists and astrophysicists able to significantly support/contribute to a "Golden Era of European Space Exploration", in which ESA and other organisations are already deeply involved. The quest for the origins of planets and stars has always been a central preoccupation of humankind. This project will enrich the cosmo-chemical research community within Europe.

Keywords: solar system; planetary system; exo-planetary systems