Zeige 1 bis 6 von 6 Ergebnissen
Vocalic variation in Standard English spoken by Trinidadian professionals Westphal, Michael; Hartmann, Johanna; Deuber, Dagmar; Lau, Kan Man; Meer, Philipp (27/09/2019) BICLCE 2019 - 8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English, University of Bamberg, Germany Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Attitudes of German high school students toward different varieties of English Meer, Philipp; Hartmann, Johanna; Rumlich, Dominik (04/05/2018) 7th Bonn Applied Linguistics Conference, University of Bonn, Germany Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Attitudes to different accents of English in African communities in the UK and Germany Hartmann, Johanna (09/12/2014) Linguistics Departmental Seminar Series, SOAS, University of London Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Language attitudes on the move – beyond exonormativity & endonormativity? Hartmann, Johanna (25/08/2014) The International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 3), UZH Zürich Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Mobile outer circle speakers' attitudes towards different varieties of English Hartmann (Wulfert), Johanna (19/10/2013) Englishes Today, Universida de Vigo Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The use of question tags in different registers of English in Trinidad Wilson, Guyanne; Westphal, Michael; Hartmann, Johanna; Deuber, Dagmar (27/09/2013) 5th International conference on the linguistics of contemporary English (ICLCE 5), University of Texas Austin, USA Type of talk: scientific talk |