SFB TRR 61 Z01 - Zentrale Aufgaben

Grunddaten zu diesem Projekt

Art des Projektes: Teilprojekt in DFG-Verbund koordiniert an der Universität Münster
Laufzeit: 01.07.2012 - 30.06.2017 | 2. Förderperiode


The  management of the TRR61 comprises a variety of tasks, such as organisation of a regular TRR61 colloquium, coordination of issue related to the German Research Foundation (DFG) coordination of administrative tasks concerning  Chinese partners, organisation of periodical meetings, reporting, organisation of workshops including those with guests from China, support of Chinese guests including students (e.g. visa, housing), support of visiting scientists, technical implementation of Video conferences, generation and maintenance of website contents, various matters of communication.

Stichwörter: Projektmanagement; SFB TRR; Transregio