FOR 1493 - Diamond Materials for Quantum Application – TP 04 Tailoring light matter coupling for ultrafast quantum optics with defect centers in diamond

Grunddaten zu diesem Projekt

Art des Projektes: Teilprojekt in DFG-Verbund koordiniert außerhalb der Universität Münster
Laufzeit: 01.10.2014 - 30.09.2017 | 2. Förderperiode


Goal of the project is quantum state control of diamond color centers by ultrafast laser pulses. This comprises the generation of spin coherence in nitrogen vacancy centers as well as the investigation of excited-state and phononic relaxation processes. To increase the coupling of single color centers to the light field, specially shaped plasmonic structures, so called metal nanoantennas, will be employed. To this end, defects in diamond should be precisely positioned with respect to these structures.

Stichwörter: Experimentelle Physik