Support for refugee integration in West and East Germany: Results from two lost letter studies

Back, Mitja/ Echterhoff, Gerald/ Hellmann J H, Forthmann B, Knausenberger J, Hellmann D F, Rees J H, Gansel E

Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)


Prior research has reported less favorable attitudes toward and more violent crimes against ethnic out-group members in East (vs. West) Germany. We conducted two pre-registered lost letter studies in West versus East German cities (Study 1, N=400) and in West versus East German rural areas (Study 2, N=400). To investigate supportive behavior regarding refugee integration, we manipulated the addressee (refugee-integration vs. immigration-stop projects). Contrary to predictions, letter return rates did not differ between West and East Germany. Across western and eastern German regions, return rates were higher for the refugee-integration project in urban areas while no differences emerged in rural areas. A pooled analysis found greater support for the refugee-integration (vs. immigration-stop) project.

Details zur Publikation

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2020
Sprache, in der die Publikation verfasst istEnglisch