rocker/geospatial: a flexible runtime environment for geoscientific data analysis

Nüst Daniel, Boettiger Carl, Eddelbuettel Dirk

Abstract in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz)


R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics ( and also a popular tool for geospatial analysis. Docker ( revolutionized the way applications and their dependencies are packaged and deployed. The Rocker project ( hosts a variety of Docker images for R. One of these images is rocker/geospatial with geospatial-related tools, particularly those that can be difficult or slow to add on-the-fly. This presentation showcases works based on rocker/geospatial and provides background how Rocker and Docker provide a basis for increased transparency and reproducibility in geosciences to tackle pressing challenges in data handling and data analysis in software development, research and teaching. Full conference abstract:

Details zur Publikation

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2018
Sprache, in der die Publikation verfasst istEnglisch
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