Study of Strongly Interacting Matter (HadronPhysics)

Grunddaten zu diesem Projekt

Art des Projektes: EU-Projekt koordiniert außerhalb der Universität Münster
Laufzeit: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2008


The Project titled: 'Study of strongly interacting matter' promotes the access to nine European Research Infrastructures (RI), and covers seven Networking Activities and twelve Joint Research Activities (JRA). The Project originates from a common initiative of more than 2000 European scientists working in the field of Hadron Physics. Hadron physics deals with the study of strongly interacting particles (hadrons), as the proton and the pion. Hadrons are composed of quarks and gluons. Their interaction is described by Quantum Chromo Dynamics, the theory of the strong force. Hadrons form more complex systems, in particular atomic. Under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature hadrons may lose their identity and dissolve into a new state of matter similar to the primordial matter of the early Universe. The Networking Activities are related to the organisation of experimental and theoretical collaborative work concerning both ongoing activities at present Research Infrastructures and planned experiments at future facilities. In hadron physics, in fact, the close interaction between experimentalists and theoreticians is of paramount importance (therefore, three of the Networking Activities are theoretical ones). The Joint Research Activities concentrate on technological innovations for present and future experiments at the participating RIs. Applications in material science, medicine and information technology will be pursued vigorously. The main objective of this Project is to strengthen the European Research Area by promoting access to the leading Hadron Physics RIs in Europe and by improving their performances. This will be achieved by developing new methods and experimental tools in the JRAs and by Networking Activities, unifying, for the first time, three previously separated communities of researchers: communities who are using leptons, hadrons and high energy heavy ion beams, respectively, for studying hadrons and their properties.

Stichwörter: Hadrons; chromodynamics; QCD