Ernst-E.-Boesch-Preis für Kulturpsychologie 2017

Grunddaten zur Preisverleihung

Art des Preises: Forschungspreis oder andere Auszeichnung
Verliehen von: Gesellschaft für Kulturpsychologie
Verliehen an: Demmrich, Sarah
Bekannt gegeben am: 01.01.2017
Verleihung erfolgte am: 01.01.2017

Über die Preisverleihung

Link zur Pressemitteilung der Universität Münster:

Über den Preis

The Ernst E. Boesch Prize commemorates the pioneer of cultural psychology Prof. Ernst Eduard Boesch, who passed away at the age of 97 in 2014. It is awarded to scholars who have had a major and significant impact on cultural psychological research. Starting in 2017, the prize was awarded in two categories: a main prize for established researchers and a young researcher award. The prize categories: a) An amount of EUR 3,000 awarded to established researchers who have made essential and enduring contributions to cultural psychology (e.g., development of a research program, accomplishments in teaching, or institutionalization of cultural psychology) and b) An amount of EUR 1,000 to young scientists for distinguished work (e.g., Master’s thesis, PhD thesis or comparable book publications).
Art des Preises: Promotions-/Dissertationspreis
Webseite des Preises oder Verleihers:
Zeitraum der Vergabe: seit 2015