Marie Curie Fellowship

Grunddaten zur Preisverleihung

Art des Preises: Stipendium
Verliehen von: Europäische Union
Verliehen an: Kleine, Thorsten
Bekannt gegeben am: 01.01.2005

Über den Preis

Intra-European Fellowships for career development (IEF): Are you an experienced researcher looking for a postdoctoral fellowship? Submit your grant application for the IEF scheme and gain the opportunity to acquire new research skills or to work in other sectors. The fellowship is designed for researchers willing to develop their career in Europe outside their home country. Applying for an IEF is a good move to broaden your horizons and improve your career prospects. International Incoming Fellowships (IIF): Top-class researchers from Third Countries are welcome to work on projects in Europe. This helps to develop research cooperation between Europe and other parts of the world - to everybody's benefit. International Incoming Fellowships (IIFs) are a Marie Curie Action specially designed to encourage these moves. International Outgoing Fellowships for career development (IOF): Are you looking for funding to carry out your research abroad? You may consider applying for IOF, an international fellowship for experienced European scientists to gain new skills and expertise while conducting high-level research in a country outside Europe. The knowledge that you will acquire in a third country will then be brought back and used in Europe, with an additional funding upon your return. Career Integration Grants (CIG): Are you an experienced researcher having worked in academic jobs? Would you like to conduct your research in Europe? The CIG scheme offers career prospects to established researchers of any nationality looking for research funding opportunities and eager to move to a new institution.
Art des Preises: Preis zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs
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Zeitraum der Vergabe: 2010