Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Modell der Dualen Karriere - Vereinbarkeit von Spitzensport und Studium

Basic data for this project

Type of projectIndividual project
Duration at the University of Münster01/12/2023 - 31/12/2025


KeywordsDuale Karriere; Spitzensport
Funder / funding scheme
  • Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI)

Project management at the University of Münster

Halberschmidt, Barbara
Professorship for Sport Psychology (Prof. Strauß)
Strauß, Bernd
Professorship for Sport Psychology (Prof. Strauß)

Applicants from the University of Münster

Halberschmidt, Barbara
Professorship for Sport Psychology (Prof. Strauß)
Strauß, Bernd
Professorship for Sport Psychology (Prof. Strauß)

Research associates from the University of Münster

van de Loo, Laura
Professorship for Sport Psychology (Prof. Strauß)

Project partners outside the University of Münster

  • Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI)Germany
  • German University Sports Federation (adh)Germany
  • German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB)Germany