Luis Paul Rüther

Current affiliations

  • Professorship of Didactics of Geography (Prof. Mehren)

Academic Education

since 2023Research Associate at the Institute for Geography Education at the University of Münster in the working group of Prof. Dr. Rainer Mehren
2020 - 2023Studies at the University of Münster. Master of Education: Geography and English (including Educational Sciences). Teacher Education Program for Secondary Schools and Comprehensive Schools. Degree: Master of Education (M.Ed.)
2016 - 2020Studies at the University of Münster. Dual-Subject Bachelor: Geography and English / American Studies (including Educational Sciences). Teacher Education Program for Secondary Schools and Comprehensive Schools. Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
2018 - 2019Study Abroad Erasmus+ through the Institute of Geography (UM) at the University of Helsinki in Finland, Helsinki

Work Experience

2022Side job as a teacher at the municipal comprehensive school Waldschule Kinderhaus in Münster
2021Practical semester at the Canisianum High School in Lüdinghausen as part of the Master's program for teacher education at secondary schools and comprehensive schools at the University of Münster

Functions and Memberships

since 2023Membership, University Association for Geography Education (HGD)


Wieczorek, L.; Rüther, L. (2025)
In: Praxis Geographie, 55(2)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Rüther, L.; Velling, H.; Schubert, J. C.; Mehren, R. (2024)
In: Posterpräsentation: HGD-Symposium 2024, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Type of Publication: Poster
Rüther, L.; Mehren, R. (2024)
In: Praxis Geographie, 2024(11)
Type of Publication: Non-scientific contribution (journal)
Rosendahl, N.; Wieczorek, L.; Rüther, L.; Scholten, N.; Bienert, N.; Mehren, R. (2023)
Type of Publication: Other non-scientific publication


Duration: 01/06/2023 - 31/12/2025
Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Type of project: Participation in BMBF-joint project