Creating Easy-to-Use Research Data Management Workflows - From Data Management Plan to Long-Term Archiving

Vogl R, Rudolph D, Angenent A, Thoring A

Abstract in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz) | Peer reviewed


Against the background of an increasing digitisation of research the importance of structured research data management can hardly be overestimated. In practice, however, these requirements have only been implemented unsatisfactorily, primarily because of a lack of easy-to-use tools. Therefore, the sciebo.RDSproject aims to develop a low-threshold offer for the management of research data, which is clearly designed as a service offer for scientists.

Details zur Publikation

Veröffentlichungsjahr2018 (09.10.2018)
Sprache, in der die Publikation verfasst istEnglisch
KonferenzDigital Infrastructures for Research (DI4R), Lissabon, undefined
StichwörterResearch Data; RDM; sciebo; cloud; Data Management

Autor*innen der Universität Münster

Angenent, Holger
Gruppe 2.1: Linux und Infrastruktur
Rudolph, Dominik
ZIV - Leitungsgruppe
Thoring, Anne
ZIV - Leitungsgruppe
Vogl, Raimund
ZIV - Leitungsgruppe