Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo; Zelinka, Jozef
Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)
In the following article, we share our findings from the comparativeanalyses of 54 lifelong learning policy measures implemented innine European countries, with a particular focus on theirorientations, objectives, and solutions devised. Informed by thetheoretical framework of Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA), wehave further reasoned on the impacts and unintended effects onyoung adults' life course transitions, especially those in vulnerablepositions, as well as on the hidden ambivalences andincompatibilities in the objectives and orientations of lifelonglearning policies. The article provides, first, a brief discussion ofthe conceptual and methodological choices made. Second, itgives an overview of the design and data basis of our research. Inthe third section, we present and discuss the central findings fromour interpretive analyses, and we finally conclude with adiscussion on current trends in lifelong learning policymaking andon their impact on young adults' transitions.
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019
Sprache, in der die Publikation verfasst ist: Englisch