Thorwesten L, Schreiner K, Fromme A, Mooren F, Völker K
Abstract in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz) | Peer reviewedChronic low back pain is often associated with different possible risk factors, such as reduced maximum force and also muscular imbalance as well as increasing deficits in the neuromuscular control (Lam et al. 1999; Gilland Callaghan 1998). Differences in lumbar spine kinaesthesia caused by sporty activity are known (Thorwesten et al. 2000). The objective of this study was to examine the influence of two different training programs for chronic low back patients on proprioceptive capabilities of the lumbar spine. The repositioning error of the trunk of 64 volunteers was tested using an ultrasonic motion analysis system (CMS 30 P3, Fa.Zebris). Using a 3-D Ultrasound Motion Analysis System with special triple markers based on miniature ultrasound transmitters, simple and rapid function tests can be carried out on the cervical and lumbar spinal column and on the entire torso. The used sampling frequency was 20 Hz. Two different directions of motion of the trunk were checked during the examination. The giving of the default position followed bythe repositioning was done in a randomized order under exclusion of visual controllability in each case 10 times per position: flexion [A (0°-20°), B (20°-40°)] and lateral flexion [C (0°-30°)]. The absolute deviation from the given target position was calculated. Student T-Test for paired samples as well as ANOVA with Scheffé post-hoc test were calculated with SPSS 10.07. Both low back pain groups were trained over a 5-week period. For the "classical low back training" the program focused on functional movement as well as strengthening training without weights. The program for the strengthening exercise group focused on weight training with rehabilitation training systems. The healthy control group showed a smaller absolute deviation from the given target position compared to the other two groups. In regards to repositioning the flexion positions between 0-20°, all groups showedsignificantly smaller error in the retest compared to the first test. For the flexion positions between 20° and40°, a significant increasing accuracy for repositioning lumbar spine could be demonstrated in the retest forboth training groups. The lateral bending of the trunk between 0° and 30° from upright position shows ananalogous development. The repositioning error is decreasing for all groups in the second test. Differencesbetween both training groups could not be demonstrated. The results showed that it seems to be possible to influence the lumbar spine kinaesthesia by special training programs. Strengthening exercise for low back patients as well as functional training for trunk movements can improve proprioceptive capabilities. The feedback mechanism of the lumbar spine can be trained with strengthening exercises as well as functional training programs. Regarding the spread and the observed absolute error in the position reproduction, these findings are comparably with the work of Swinkels and Dolan(1998), and/or Maffey Ward et al. (1996) and Brumagne et al. (1999). Low back complaints are often associated with reduction of kinaesthetic perception as described in the currentwork of Gill and Callaghan (1998) as well as Lam et al. (1999), Brumagne et al. (2000), Newcomer et al (2000). Further studies are necessary to evaluate combined training concepts with special proprioceptive contents as well as to investigate the question of possible preventive effects caused by special low back pain training programs.
Thorwesten, Lothar | Institut für Sportwissenschaft |