A-posteriori error estimate for a heterogeneous multiscale approximation of advection-diffusion problems with large expected drift

Henning P, Ohlberger M

Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift) | Peer reviewed


In this contribution we address a-posteriori error estimation inL∞(L2) for a heterogeneous multiscale finite element approximation of time-dependent advection-diffusion problems with rapidly oscillating coefficient functions and with a large expected drift. Based on the error estimate, we derive an algorithm for an adaptive mesh refinement. The estimate and the algorithm are validated in numerical experiments, showing applicability and good results even for heterogeneous microstructures.

Details zur Publikation

FachzeitschriftDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S
Jahrgang / Bandnr. / Volume9
Ausgabe / Heftnr. / Issue5
Sprache, in der die Publikation verfasst istEnglisch
DOI: 10.3934/dcdss.2016056
StichwörterAdvection-diffusion; HMM; multiscale method; error estimation

Autor*innen der Universität Münster

Ohlberger, Mario
Professur für Angewandte Mathematik, insbesondere Numerik (Prof. Ohlberger)
Center for Nonlinear Science (CeNoS)
Center for Multiscale Theory and Computation (CMTC)