The importance of survey for planning of classes in teaching of Physical Education

Tolentino-Castro JW, Sousa JA, Marcondes AC , Venâncio L

Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)


The survey can play a decisive role in the formation of the annual planning of lessons, when we propose to the students through some questions (questionnaire) related to the area of Physical Education. We measured their tacit knowledge about some topics related to the area, which could minimize considerable time in the relationship of individual students with the teacher, knowing their preferences and perspectives of Physical Education classes throughout the year. Though, this well-planned proposition can not only be realized alone, with only one teacher of the school, but rather with all teachers in the institution. The questionnaire should always contain very clear questions which are and consistent with the language proposed idea. The main idea of this study was to measure the opinions about the class of Physical Education by applying questionnaires in 68 public schools and 5 private schools in the city of Sao Paulo and Guarulhos, offered to 73 students, 50 females and 23 males. We concluded that the use of questionnaires could be a good tool to increase the quality of the class of Physical Education. We suggest that future questionnaires may contain topics that have already been dealt with and their possible variations, as well as new themes.

Details zur Publikation

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2008
Sprache, in der die Publikation verfasst istPortugiesisch