Protecting private transnational authority against public intervention: FIFA's power over national governments

Meier Henk Erik, Garcia Borja

Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift) | Peer reviewed


Scholars have engaged in discussions over whether the rise of transnational private authority isbeneficial or undermines public legitimate authority. While the recent focus on civil regulation hasemphasized the key role of public authorities and civil societies in such arrangements, the case of theInternational Federation of Association Football (FIFA) provides strong evidence that global policiescan be formulated and administered by completely private institutions relying on strong enforcementmechanisms and able to confront public authorities. FIFA's power results from its control ofmarket access to global football, which represents a vital ‘club good' for national football industries.Therefore, FIFA is able to force European Union member states to deviate from national paths ofsport regulation. Without orchestrating their efforts, public authorities are unlikely to succeed inchallenging FIFA's power. Although the recent corruption scandals might force FIFA to implementsome reforms, FIFA has a vital interest in protecting its regulatory powers.

Details zur Publikation

Jahrgang / Bandnr. / Volume2015
Sprache, in der die Publikation verfasst istEnglisch
StichwörterTransnational private authority; club goods; FIFA; global policy and regulation; European Union

Autor*innen der Universität Münster

Meier, Henk Erik
Professur für Sozialwissenschaften des Sports (Prof. Meier)