Eight young post-doctoral scientists will be trained in the following advanced techniques; enzymology; x-ray crystallographic macromolecular structure solution; transient and steady-stake kinetics; bio-organic and bio-inorganic chemistry; fungal, bacterial, and mammalian genetics; protein purification and over expression systems; molecular modeling of compounds with site-specific molecular interactions with enzymes; continuous wave and pulsed multifrequency EPR and ENDOR .The training will take place in eight well-founded, internationally -recognized laboratories in five EU countries. The young researchers will generally receive training in at least two network laboratories and will make short visits to others. Other young researchers from network laboratories will make short visits to different participants for exchange of information and materials. Involvements in network and local seminar programmes will be encouraged as will short visits to the associated industrial laboratories.
Fetzner, Susanne | Professur für Molekulare Mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie (Prof. Fetzner) |
Fetzner, Susanne | Professur für Molekulare Mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie (Prof. Fetzner) |