The Education Systems of the Americas. Publikationsprojekt Handbuch in der Reihe 'Global Education Systems' beim Springer International Publishing AG (TESA)

Grunddaten zu diesem Projekt

Art des Projektes: Eigenmittelprojekt
Laufzeit: 11.01.2018 - 31.12.2019


Education systems have taken center stage ever since societies organized themselves as nation states from the eighteenth century onwards. In the contemporary globalized context of education policy and research, it has become virtually commonplace to compare education in one country with that of others. Currently, a high degree of political, economic and sociological attention is being paid to how education systems are structured, organized, how they operate, and in particular what the outcomes/effects and problems are. Indeed, meaningful comparisons of education worldwide require systematic knowledge and deep understanding of historical, social, economic and cultural foundations of a specific educational system. Comparing requires us to analyze and interpret educational phenomena and data taking into account first of the specific national traditions and characteristics of an education system before relating them to other countries. Only such contextual knowledge enables us to understand how education systems have been shaped across the world regarding institutions, processes, and practices, thus doing justice to the uniqueness of each while at the same time recognizing functionally equivalent patterns, general structures, and common issues.Against this background, a compendium of education systems that provides information on structure, organization and operations as well as an overview of the historical developmentand a discussion of recent trends will certainly make a great contribution both to students and scholars in the field of education and the social sciences who seek concise and systematic knowledge about education in a particular country. The editors are moreover convinced that comparative researchers will also find a basis for better understanding of various educational questions about the foundations and development of the national education systems.This handbook focusses on the Education systems in the three Americas (North, Central and South America) and aims at including chapters for most countries in this region. Building upon the successful experience of the two editions of "The Education Systems of Europe" edited by Wolfgang Hörner, Hans Döbert, Botho von Kopp and Wolfgang Mitter (Springer 2007 and 2015), the chapters follow a common structure and include schematic diagrams of the structure of mainstream education from pre-primary to tertiary level.

Stichwörter: Handbuch; Bildungssysteme; Amerika