Trunk posture and statico-dynamical spine analysis - comparing ultrasound based vs. optically based measuremnt system

Thorwesten L, Schnieders D, Schilgen M, Völker K,

Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz) | Peer reviewed


The purpose of this study was to compare two different methods measuring trunk postureand statico-dynamical spine analysis. 32 patients participated in this cross sectionalstudy. Comparing measured values a wide congruence could be demonstrated withmarginal underestimating in kyphosis and lordosis data for the ultrasound based system.The largest deviation could be shown for pelvic obliquity measured in mm. Trunkinclination, vertical deflection and pelvic obliquity measured in degree showed properanalogy for both measuring systems. Validity, reliability based on particular technicalprinciples could be verified.

Details zur Publikation

Herausgeber*innenHarrison AJ, Anderson R, Kenny I,
BuchtitelProceedings of the 27th Annual Conference on Biomechanics in Sports
Sprache, in der die Publikation verfasst istEnglisch
Konferenz27th Annual Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, Limerick, Ireland, undefined
Link zum Volltext
Stichwörtertrunk; posture; spine analysis

Autor*innen der Universität Münster

Thorwesten, Lothar
Institut für Sportwissenschaft